Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Construction level Objects

Ladder, Girder, Cement Mixer, Hammer, Paintbrush, Paint Tin & Barrel.


  1. Some other items that may be applicable:
    > Wheelbarrows
    > Pipes, Cables, Wiring (for protruding plumbing/foundations, etc.)
    > Scaffolding
    > Hard hats
    > Toolboxes
    > Barriers (wet paint, unfinished, etc.)
    > Different arrays of planks/etc. ready to be installed/moved
    > The Crane has to be a static mesh to move I think, so that can be done in Maya

    Just remember that the actual UT3 Levels take major priority, and we wanna start play testing all of the levels with simplistic textures on Monday, so keep that in mind.

    However, If you finish your UT3 Map (for play testing) early, I suggest doing the Crane/scaffolding first, due to how dramatically they change the map.

    Oh and I thought of an idea for the Construction Stage, if you're interested. I was thinking you could use Volumes to create "Wet Cement" that could slow the speed of the player. These could be surrounding a power-up/weapon pickup or be placed as a consequence of missing a jump, leaving the player vulnerable. Just a thought

    Also in that list

  2. Ignore that last part ("Also in that list"). Grr.. I forgot how to edit my own posts :X

  3. Keep in mind that there needs to be a UT3 equivalent for the scaffolding and crane by next Monday otherwise testing will be worthless.

  4. I'm going to be straight, I'm not all that good with the UT3 editor. I now how to make volumes and objects and apply textures. At the moment I'm running through the level making sure there's no clipping problems or other bugs. I've taken today (Thursday) off so I can get it ll done and ready.
