Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I know this is unrelated to Game Studio, but my Maya is deciding to have a seizure, so I was wondering whether you could point me in the direction of the torrent/whatever site you used to download it, Joe. Or maybe upload it in parts using a site? If you could you'd be my savior!!

Alternatively if anyone else knows how else to get it or how to bypass the Autodesk Licensing screen with a crack, rather than a keygen/serial number - I'm all ears.



  1. Ooh if anyone knows a good keygen site (that's both virus and payment free) for Maya could you please link it to me? I'm currently running off of the 30 day trial of Maya 2011, and that's not going to last me.

  2. hey guys. sorry i've been a little left out. (A LOT left out), but allow me to help where i can:

    heres the exact same torrent i used for Maya 2008

    if theres any trouble through licensing, please let me know.

  3. Did ANYONE listen to the teacher when he said you could download the newest version for free legally through autodesk..? No?
