Monday, September 13, 2010

Some stuff from today..

Just to keep you guys up-to-date with what I'm doing, I made a few basic models for decor items that can be used my "Completed" map. I hope I don't re-do what you've already done by doing these, Amy, but it was a refreshing change from the UT3 Editor and I'm glad for the practice w/ Maya.

These aren't the only ones I plan to do and they're obviously without textures/maps for the time being, but progress is progress, I guess.

Models Made - so far:
  • Water cooler
  • Mac (Desktop)
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Macbook (closed)
  • Macbook (opened)
  • Office Phone
  • Lights
  • and Mugs, Planter Pots, and different arrangements of paper/documents
Models to come - (add in Comments if you want to change/add items)
  • Chairs
  • Tables
  • Architectural Tools (Stationary, drawing boards, etc.)
  • Toilets
  • Wall Hangings
  • Elevator components (Buttons, etc.)
  • Doors?
  • Stair rails
  • other desk/kitchen junk
All of these should be extremely easy to model in Maya, most of the objects I made took a max of 20-30min, whilst watching Heroes (aka distracted), however I hope texturing/importing w/ UT Editor doesn't make this a mammoth task.

I am also going to be continuing to tweak my level constantly/daily, as I know many of these items aren't a MAJOR priority, however - again - it is a welcome change from UT3.

Here's a LINK to a zipped folder containing the Maya files, uploaded through FileFront, if you're curious.


And please make sure that Skype (having a Mic is SO much easier), UT3 Editor, Photoshop, Maya and all other Game Studio related programs are functional ASAP! We don't need computer/internet issues compounding our worries!

Again, If you have any objections, questions or items to add to the "TO-BE MODELLED" list for the "Completed Stage", put them in the Comment Section.


  1. It all looks great, and here I am taking a day off selfishly D:

    Just a thought but perhaps make the keyboard and phone details a normal, as it might help prevent problems later, but it probably wouldn't be a problem anyway. Just a thought.

    We will have to talk to Joe about which would be easier to script for him- an entire elevator from maya, or a cube and two slabs in UT3.

    Just off the top of my head some little bitsies:
    -coffee maker
    -photo frames
    -business card holders (possibly stray business cards?)
    -In/Out boxes? (possibly, maybe just in the offices

    You have a lot to model so let me know if you need help! :)

  2. Considering how hard you worked for the 2nd Milestone, I think you deserved at least a day off :P

    I was thinking the same thing in relation to the normals on the keyboards and such, but I was gonna wait to see if it caused any issues first.

    I'll add those things to the list, In/Out boxes is an awesome one.

    I'll give you a yell if I need help, but I doubt I will (at least with the Maya Models) at this rate.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Right now I'm aware that you guys arn't happy with me, and that's fine.

    Just tell me what to do, at the moment I'm making several Maya items that can be used in the constructon level (similar to what Nick has done for his level) this includes, Cement mixers, paint buckets, hammers, barrels, girders etc. Also If we need to make another powerpoint for another presentation tell me and I'll make it. My UT3 toolset is working fine aswell as my Maya.

    Sorry that I'm a lousy team mate, you guys shouldn't have to shoulder my work you have enough to do already.

  5. Just do what is stated in the mini-deadlines posted days ago. We need to discuss on Skype or in person ASAP what the team's vision is for our levels to make sure we are all on the same page.

    Make the effort to get in contact with us. MSN, AIM, Skype even if it's just the chat - we haven't got time for 'technical' excuses, you have had half a semester to organize a way to communicate with us outside of Uni.

    We will all be on Skype tonight at some time or other, and MSN; or even text one of us if you are incapable of getting another method.
