Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Joe's final thought

Hey guys,
I just wanna say thanks to everyone for putting the great effort in to the course as a team. I apologise for not being able to get the game as close to what we had hoped for, but please believe me when i say i tried my very best and that even i feel a little disappointed by the end of the course. I don't believe it was as fruitful as you would normally expect from a freaking games course (neither was nwn2 but, you know).

Anyways, im obtaining a positive perspective on getting a decent mark for our game as it is actually playable (and the hard work you guys put in ended up being mighty impressive).

You are all fine folk and it was a pleasure working with you!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Builder Mesh

For Joe

Here are our list of assets as we compelete them for Joe, just edit this post and change whatever asset yours adding into a download link. For each of these links, if you have multiple things to submit please zip a folder first. Levels also have to be accompanied by their unique sets of materials and meshes in .UPK files. One seperate for materials, and another for meshes etc. The name has to be fairly uniform for this to seem organised... So, off the cuff Level_PackageType.upk. E.g "Completed_Materials.upk"

Construction Level:



Caulk Gun

Blow Torch



Completed Level:



Glue Gun

Fountain Pen



Ruined Level:



Saturday, October 16, 2010

Construction Level Final

Here it is > Level -

PROBLEMS: Due to my computer having a complete Derp over the sky, UT3 crashed every time I tried to open up the environments/sky folder .: it has no sky so I'm sorry but one of you guys will have to quickly add one.

Included are all custom textures:

All dimensions are changed according to the blog.

Now I have to go to my Grandmothers 60th before Mum screams at me some more for already making us 30min late :S

Construction Design Doc Pictures

6 x Level pics
Pics of each object in UT3

Meeting 16th of October (TONIGHT)

We're going to have a quick show and tell meeting for tonight.

When: 8:30pm
Where: Skype

What to have ready to bring (with respect to what applies to you):
-screenshots of your level (atleast 6 with no repetitive pictures of the same area)
-close-up screenshots of your custom objects in the level
-close-up screenshots of your custom objects in maya, NO textures, wireframe on
-screenshots of your character and weapon meshes (no textures, wireframe on)

Keep in mind these screenshots will be included in the DESIGN DOCUMENT and must show off your work, making it look as aesthetically pleasing as possible (that includes your ass, Amy).

Friday, October 15, 2010

found this nifty UT3 guide

Thought i'd just plant this link here if you guys want to have a read. It may answer some questions for us, i'll be cramming this assignment this weekend if you want to talk.

P.S. Thanks lazy moose i got the weapons :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

HUD Ideas

So on occasion on a whim I've been bringing up the idea of HUDs to various people in our group, and collectively we all seem pretty content with the following (or are just too tired to argue):

Construction level:
Fallout inspired design with our own little cartoon character like vault boy, example :

Completed level:
Slimline and simple

Ruined level:
Similar to a metroid first person HUD, example:

Monday, October 11, 2010

Dimention adjustments

1st image is the "Base line" from where the measurements were taken (north wall)!

1 - Meeting room on Level 2: Division added, extra door added - approx halfway (see image)
2 - Area/rooms near Kitchen/Cafeteria: Wall moved (measurements specified in 4 ), Second door now enters kitchen
3 - 1B - Left room: The "block-in" begins at ~2715 from base and fills the rest of the room behind it
4 - Kitchen area: Wall extended, now begins at ~2665, wall may have to be thickened using edge geometry
5 - 1B - Right room: The "block-in" begins at ~925 from base and fills the rest of the room behind it
6 - Cubicles: Wall blocked in ~270 from base
7 - Lobby: Back wall blocked in ~270 from base

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Updated Weapon Meshes

Screenshot layouts

ONE OF EVERY MAP :P all three of the following screenshots, as close as possible to these examples below, post the links to them in comments below for the delicious desu presentation.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


There will be a Skype meeting tonight at 8:30 in order to organize ourselves for tomorrow's presentation.

Your options are 'be there' or 'I will hurt you'~

Friday, October 8, 2010

E-Mail from Stephen

Hi all in Games Studio 2,
Just got this e-mail:

"This is just a friendly reminder regarding the schedule for the end of this semester :-)
  • During your normal class time next week (i.e., week 12) each team will be presenting as much work as they have done for their final assignment in front of the class in the same way as you did for GS1 last semester.
  • Conor has extended the due date for your third assignment to Monday morning of week 13 (October 18) which will give you all the extra weekend to polish any of the rough edges :-)
Good luck and please do email one of us if you have any questions or queries.


Monday 11th of October - Details

Okay, so just a recap on a few various details for Monday so everyone is on the same page:

There WILL be a 9-5 work session on Monday (optional as usual), partially so we're there if there are any last minute details in the tutorial or lecture. We will also be covering:
  • Decision on the light placing in the roof
  • Tweaks to the scaling for levels (including room sizes, floor thickness etc)
  • Changes in layout and brainstorming of last minute additions with all group input
  • Hopefully some play testing

Hand-in details:
  • Completed levels will be required to be handed in
  • Hopefully meshes
  • Hopefully gametype
These levels are required to be handed in no later than Midnight Monday night / Tuesday morning, no later, no excuses. They must be posted on the blog at this time (a few minutes after isn't too much of a biggy). I'll download them all on the spot and then Tuesday we can look them all over on skype together. Then we can suggest a few more tweaks, really refine it. After that we will be working on the HUD and design doc, mostly Friday night through to Sunday because well, we all have other projects.

Any comments or additions to things let me know and I'll edit it :)
Goodluck on the weekend I know I won't get any sleep!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Right, I'm having some problems with importing objects from Maya to UT3. I know Actor X doesn't work with Maya 2011 so I got the FBX plug-in that works with it, or is supposed to but doesn't. So to address the problem I've tried installing 2010/2009 and importing from that, trouble is I can't find any reliable downloads, and when I do it redirects me and tries to download 2011 WHICH I DON'T WANT!!!

So, anyone have a link to a reliable Maya 2010/2009 source?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Character Base WIP

So i'm making a base model to rig up, then adjust the mesh proportions for each of the character types. Have some progress.

Construction Objects

All done, except sandbags and crane.

Both Normal and Sepia textures incase the sepia looks shit. Now importing them into UT3 *fingers crossed that I havn't done anything stupid*

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ruined Level Textures (Water)

Erm.. So I didn't really like the larger bodies of water provided in UT3, or, at least the ones I saw. So I looked up a tutorial to make my own and this is how it turned out, if you can see it in the picture. :P Somehow I made it sound like water when you walk over it as well, and the water does move at a 'peaceful' or 'tranquil' pace.

Reminder: Monday Deadline

11th of October Deadline

-Levels refined and completely finished
-Refined character meshes and textured

This is NOT an advisory deadline for levels. Having the levels in a week before it's due gives us time to construct the design document, put everything together, and last minute changes (as well as HUD design).

However, Amy has a lot to tackle, so while it would be great to have everything done by Monday, it won't be completely neccesary until approximately Wednesday/Thursday depending on what Joe needs to do to implement these models into the game.

If there's anything incorrect let me know and I will change it, as this is the most crucial deadline.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Ruined Level Textures

I've fiddled with our completed textures and come up with some ones for the ruined version. I've blended the original textures with ruined versions from default toolset textures as well as two blended normals. The dirty plaster texture looked fuzzy so it's faint and I relied more on normals for it's aging. Just need people's thoughts if they're alright.

EDIT: Darker walls

EDIT: Less 'noise'

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Quick Update: Completed

Saturday, October 2, 2010

ActorX for 2011

Incase you haven't already got it!

Another Monday Work Session

EDIT: Change of plans! To save time and to be actually able to use ActorX, Me (Nick), Belinda and possibly Amy will be working from home, over Skype starting at 9am you're welcome to join! Same work - different location.

Me and Amy are staying through the day again like last Monday to just get work done. It's not for play testing or anything, it's just a change of scenery, focusing on work.

When: 9:30am-5pm
Where: Games Lab

Do not come if you are there to socialise, we will chat but you need to be working as well.

Reminder: Monday Deadline

Expected on Monday:
-Extra objects for unreal levels done
-Refined weapon meshes and textured

If you are behind on this I suggest you catch up, we are all busy but the further you fall behind the harder you will have to cram later on.