Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What We Need For Thursday

And who should be handing in what by THURSDAY. No later, as I need to burn the CD THURSDAY NIGHT.

Needs Discussion

Mod structure in place
Sketchup Levels (Construction, Completed, Ruined)
Mod levels (Construction, Completed, Ruined)
New Textures for the Level Geometry
Static Meshes (Blow Torch, Glue Gun, Chalk Gun, Fountain Pen, Wrench, T-Square)
Concept Art (Final Character Designs)
Concept Art (Missing Blinding Weapons)
Interactive elements (doors, ladders, switches, etc.)
HUD scripting
New Game Type (extending DeathMatch or modifying OSMT-Adventure)
Technical Document

It needs to all be uploaded to the blog with names corresponding to the above headings, again not later than THURSDAY NIGHT at let's say, MIDNIGHT. If you have already uploaded a version, upload it again if even the smallest details have been added.

More importantly Joe please contact us if any of this has suddenly caught you by surprise, we also need to talk to you tonight on skype or a similar program about some things (nothing bad, just need some help with something.) Contact me on 0431343388 if you can't find me on msn!


  1. Tad of late notice...
    And my UT3 engine isn't working, but Sketchup will be done by tonight.

  2. It is a 'tad late notice'. It is DUE tomorrow, and considering the time that everyone has had on their parts and the entire milestone of knowing you would need to have your UT3 map done - at least in the basics - the fact that you have not even resolved the issue of installing it or taken the initiative to use Games Studio time to work on it is seriously not excusable.

    Technical issues are not things that only you go through and SURELY if you had taken the effort it could have been fixed far earlier; whatever your reasons for NOT doing this means that the entire team is pulled down by this.
    Our lecturers/tutors/teachers are expecting the work from a group of FIVE and when you submit half of what was expected of you AT BEST, AT THE LAST MINUTE it is both disgusting that you might expect the rest of us to pick up your slack ontop of our own workloads or accept a diminshed mark.

    As a friendship thing we were ready to have a large group with the expectancy that we would all work at a similar pace and quality. Nobody on this team has any reason to carry you through this course, and therefore we won't. If we have to submit the work of FOUR, we will not be shy about informing our teachers who is responsible for not doing their share.

  3. I'm not asking you to pick up the slack, I'm just saying that my computer and my UT3 version aren’t working, I'm sorry, it wasn't doing this before, if my toolset wasn't working before then, then I would have addressed it, but unfortunately it has stopped working, along with a lot of things with my computer. I wasn't told that we needed the UT3 level completed until a day before it was due. Before then I was under the impression that we were doing a sketchup level each and we had the UT3 skeleton done. Then people started saying, that they weren't sure if they just wanted a sketchup or an actual level, which just confused me more. It's not an excuse, it's a problem and I'm sorry that it's happened. I also, did a full sketchup mock up of the construction level days ago, but I was informed upon bringing it in that we were correcting it and that my work was done with the wrong version, I thought that the edited version that Belinda posted first was the fixed version, so I used that.
    I would have had time to do the UT3 level on another computer if it wasn't for this confusion.

    I'm getting a proper version of the toolset from Shaun on the weekend and starting on making the UT3 level, it will be done. I'm frustrated and annoyed with myself that I'm letting you guys down and I'm trying, but everything seems to be going wrong with all of my programs for all of the subjects and none of the lectures/tutors are willing to help.

  4. We started talking about the unreal equivalents on Monday at the latest. This would have provided you with two full days at the least. I have done my very rough ruined version in less than 4 hours. For the end of last week and the entire weekend Nick has been working on the unreal skeleton to get it done by Monday. Why would we want it done by Monday if it wasn't needed for the milestone? I'm also definitely sure that on our mini-deadline schedule it does specifically say that the unreal levels were all due by today for submission. It actually specifically says under last Monday's date "Have the completed level skeleton completed so we can start on the other two skeletons for Friday submission".

    The sketchup base skeleton changes and the intention of changing it was all posted on the blog. Nick has now roughed out the construction level for unreal so it will be handed in. We looked at your sketchup for the construction level and it is no where near the floorplan posted before weeks ago at our long meeting where we determined the building layout. We are now stuck because your sketchup is so different to our floorplan. Nick's unreal map is based off the floorplan that we discussed and agreed on as a group.

    Lastly, yes, you are actually making us pick up the slack because if we don't our marks will be significantly worse.

  5. See, the post on here said to bring in the Sketchup stuff on monday, so I did and then I was told that were were using a new version.

  6. You're ignoring the point of the unreal map.
