Friday, September 10, 2010

Milestone 3 Mini-Deadlines

All things considering I think submission went better than expected :) but we don't really have the luxury of slowing down like last time. :/ I thought the submission list went well greying out things as we did them so I'm going to incorporate that I think without the people colour coding..? I don't know. :P

20th of September
-All basic weapon meshes
-Unreal maps refined to a near-glitchless level and ready for game testing (This includes basic floor wall roof textures to hinder any confusion during testing and proper level-alterations)
-Gametype scripting (Hopefully)
-Have the basic weapons useable in the mod (Maybe do that as a group on the day..?)

Anyone doing the unreal levels who finishes early should also probably start considering making some meshes that they will need to refine their level. If Joe hasn't gotten the gametype scripting up and running by then we will have to start testing the closest thing we can to our game type, probably just everyone uses the melee weapons except for one without automatic switching. For most of the week after this submission we will be doing a lot of playing of the actual game, so make sure your copy is set up and ready to go. This also means you may need to make sure you're free some nights for the testing, it might be a little demanding :/

27th of September
-Final alterations to the basic level skeletons (after play tests and trial and error)
-Basic character models
-Weapon and character rigging maybe?

4th of October
-Extra objects for unreal levels done
-Refined weapon meshes and textured

By done I mean textured as well for the objects.

11th of October
-Levels refined and completely finished
-Refined character meshes and textured

I think it would probably be best to get everything seemingly done by Monday because

then we have until Thursday to sew everything together and combat glitches. I think with our
NWN2 one we focused on getting the components done and forgot about the time it takes to
connect them all.

This isn't really telling you you must get this all done or I will hate you, but we have very little time and the more you stay on par with this the less you will probably have to rush at the end. It's really more of a guide.

I didn't put in much of your timeline Joe because well I'm not really sure everything you have to do.. I think we may need to discuss on Monday about editing powerups, interactives and weapon scripting, as something like editing powerups I may be able to help out with, maybe investigate myself and do for you if you're tied down with the game type.

Umm... Amy you have a LOT to do so just let me know if you need help, me or Nick could probably help you :) because I think you have the most to do.

So.. Yeah, any questions or changes needed comment below, and I will grey out the tasks as they're done to help keep track of progress. I won't grey it out until it has been posted on the blog, preferably hosted on FileFront.

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