Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Joe's final thought

Hey guys,
I just wanna say thanks to everyone for putting the great effort in to the course as a team. I apologise for not being able to get the game as close to what we had hoped for, but please believe me when i say i tried my very best and that even i feel a little disappointed by the end of the course. I don't believe it was as fruitful as you would normally expect from a freaking games course (neither was nwn2 but, you know).

Anyways, im obtaining a positive perspective on getting a decent mark for our game as it is actually playable (and the hard work you guys put in ended up being mighty impressive).

You are all fine folk and it was a pleasure working with you!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Builder Mesh

For Joe

Here are our list of assets as we compelete them for Joe, just edit this post and change whatever asset yours adding into a download link. For each of these links, if you have multiple things to submit please zip a folder first. Levels also have to be accompanied by their unique sets of materials and meshes in .UPK files. One seperate for materials, and another for meshes etc. The name has to be fairly uniform for this to seem organised... So, off the cuff Level_PackageType.upk. E.g "Completed_Materials.upk"

Construction Level:



Caulk Gun

Blow Torch



Completed Level:



Glue Gun

Fountain Pen



Ruined Level:



Saturday, October 16, 2010

Construction Level Final

Here it is > Level -

PROBLEMS: Due to my computer having a complete Derp over the sky, UT3 crashed every time I tried to open up the environments/sky folder .: it has no sky so I'm sorry but one of you guys will have to quickly add one.

Included are all custom textures:

All dimensions are changed according to the blog.

Now I have to go to my Grandmothers 60th before Mum screams at me some more for already making us 30min late :S

Construction Design Doc Pictures

6 x Level pics
Pics of each object in UT3

Meeting 16th of October (TONIGHT)

We're going to have a quick show and tell meeting for tonight.

When: 8:30pm
Where: Skype

What to have ready to bring (with respect to what applies to you):
-screenshots of your level (atleast 6 with no repetitive pictures of the same area)
-close-up screenshots of your custom objects in the level
-close-up screenshots of your custom objects in maya, NO textures, wireframe on
-screenshots of your character and weapon meshes (no textures, wireframe on)

Keep in mind these screenshots will be included in the DESIGN DOCUMENT and must show off your work, making it look as aesthetically pleasing as possible (that includes your ass, Amy).

Friday, October 15, 2010

found this nifty UT3 guide

Thought i'd just plant this link here if you guys want to have a read. It may answer some questions for us, i'll be cramming this assignment this weekend if you want to talk.

P.S. Thanks lazy moose i got the weapons :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

HUD Ideas

So on occasion on a whim I've been bringing up the idea of HUDs to various people in our group, and collectively we all seem pretty content with the following (or are just too tired to argue):

Construction level:
Fallout inspired design with our own little cartoon character like vault boy, example :

Completed level:
Slimline and simple

Ruined level:
Similar to a metroid first person HUD, example:

Monday, October 11, 2010

Dimention adjustments

1st image is the "Base line" from where the measurements were taken (north wall)!

1 - Meeting room on Level 2: Division added, extra door added - approx halfway (see image)
2 - Area/rooms near Kitchen/Cafeteria: Wall moved (measurements specified in 4 ), Second door now enters kitchen
3 - 1B - Left room: The "block-in" begins at ~2715 from base and fills the rest of the room behind it
4 - Kitchen area: Wall extended, now begins at ~2665, wall may have to be thickened using edge geometry
5 - 1B - Right room: The "block-in" begins at ~925 from base and fills the rest of the room behind it
6 - Cubicles: Wall blocked in ~270 from base
7 - Lobby: Back wall blocked in ~270 from base

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Updated Weapon Meshes

Screenshot layouts

ONE OF EVERY MAP :P all three of the following screenshots, as close as possible to these examples below, post the links to them in comments below for the delicious desu presentation.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


There will be a Skype meeting tonight at 8:30 in order to organize ourselves for tomorrow's presentation.

Your options are 'be there' or 'I will hurt you'~

Friday, October 8, 2010

E-Mail from Stephen

Hi all in Games Studio 2,
Just got this e-mail:

"This is just a friendly reminder regarding the schedule for the end of this semester :-)
  • During your normal class time next week (i.e., week 12) each team will be presenting as much work as they have done for their final assignment in front of the class in the same way as you did for GS1 last semester.
  • Conor has extended the due date for your third assignment to Monday morning of week 13 (October 18) which will give you all the extra weekend to polish any of the rough edges :-)
Good luck and please do email one of us if you have any questions or queries.


Monday 11th of October - Details

Okay, so just a recap on a few various details for Monday so everyone is on the same page:

There WILL be a 9-5 work session on Monday (optional as usual), partially so we're there if there are any last minute details in the tutorial or lecture. We will also be covering:
  • Decision on the light placing in the roof
  • Tweaks to the scaling for levels (including room sizes, floor thickness etc)
  • Changes in layout and brainstorming of last minute additions with all group input
  • Hopefully some play testing

Hand-in details:
  • Completed levels will be required to be handed in
  • Hopefully meshes
  • Hopefully gametype
These levels are required to be handed in no later than Midnight Monday night / Tuesday morning, no later, no excuses. They must be posted on the blog at this time (a few minutes after isn't too much of a biggy). I'll download them all on the spot and then Tuesday we can look them all over on skype together. Then we can suggest a few more tweaks, really refine it. After that we will be working on the HUD and design doc, mostly Friday night through to Sunday because well, we all have other projects.

Any comments or additions to things let me know and I'll edit it :)
Goodluck on the weekend I know I won't get any sleep!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Right, I'm having some problems with importing objects from Maya to UT3. I know Actor X doesn't work with Maya 2011 so I got the FBX plug-in that works with it, or is supposed to but doesn't. So to address the problem I've tried installing 2010/2009 and importing from that, trouble is I can't find any reliable downloads, and when I do it redirects me and tries to download 2011 WHICH I DON'T WANT!!!

So, anyone have a link to a reliable Maya 2010/2009 source?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Character Base WIP

So i'm making a base model to rig up, then adjust the mesh proportions for each of the character types. Have some progress.

Construction Objects

All done, except sandbags and crane.

Both Normal and Sepia textures incase the sepia looks shit. Now importing them into UT3 *fingers crossed that I havn't done anything stupid*

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ruined Level Textures (Water)

Erm.. So I didn't really like the larger bodies of water provided in UT3, or, at least the ones I saw. So I looked up a tutorial to make my own and this is how it turned out, if you can see it in the picture. :P Somehow I made it sound like water when you walk over it as well, and the water does move at a 'peaceful' or 'tranquil' pace.

Reminder: Monday Deadline

11th of October Deadline

-Levels refined and completely finished
-Refined character meshes and textured

This is NOT an advisory deadline for levels. Having the levels in a week before it's due gives us time to construct the design document, put everything together, and last minute changes (as well as HUD design).

However, Amy has a lot to tackle, so while it would be great to have everything done by Monday, it won't be completely neccesary until approximately Wednesday/Thursday depending on what Joe needs to do to implement these models into the game.

If there's anything incorrect let me know and I will change it, as this is the most crucial deadline.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Ruined Level Textures

I've fiddled with our completed textures and come up with some ones for the ruined version. I've blended the original textures with ruined versions from default toolset textures as well as two blended normals. The dirty plaster texture looked fuzzy so it's faint and I relied more on normals for it's aging. Just need people's thoughts if they're alright.

EDIT: Darker walls

EDIT: Less 'noise'

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Quick Update: Completed

Saturday, October 2, 2010

ActorX for 2011

Incase you haven't already got it!

Another Monday Work Session

EDIT: Change of plans! To save time and to be actually able to use ActorX, Me (Nick), Belinda and possibly Amy will be working from home, over Skype starting at 9am you're welcome to join! Same work - different location.

Me and Amy are staying through the day again like last Monday to just get work done. It's not for play testing or anything, it's just a change of scenery, focusing on work.

When: 9:30am-5pm
Where: Games Lab

Do not come if you are there to socialise, we will chat but you need to be working as well.

Reminder: Monday Deadline

Expected on Monday:
-Extra objects for unreal levels done
-Refined weapon meshes and textured

If you are behind on this I suggest you catch up, we are all busy but the further you fall behind the harder you will have to cram later on.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mod File Instructions

- Grab the TT_UT3Mod folder and place it in My Documents > My Games > Unreal Tournament 3

- Edit the file paths in each of the shortcut files via right-click > properties.
My file path is through steam as you can see. Change that path so that it leads to your ut3.exe file on your computer.

- If you need to add stages to the mix. Place them in Unpublished > CustomStages and rename the files so that it has "TTDM-" before the stage name so that my gametype can recognise them.

- When you are finished with file placement. Execute the Build shortcut so that it compiles everything. (If there are errors let me know and i will reupload.)

- Close the build window and click the Run shortcut. This will bypass your original settings so that the mod can be read.

- Make your way to Instant Match
- You will then find "Just Another Day At The Office" at the bottom of the list of game modes.
- Choose your level and change the settings if you wish.

Friday, September 24, 2010

"Completed" Level amendments

As discussed over Skype, I've changed the problems raised with the Completed level. A few of these may have to be corrected in the other stages also, depending on the layout so I'm linking the corrected version.

Changes were:

> Toilet stall dimensions (width, depth)
> Toilet entrance visibility
FIXED: Small entrance added, doors moved apart slightly
> Protruding Geometry in Conference rooms on 1B
FIXED: Removed
> Changes to Walkway (being parallel, obscuring Plant wall)
FIXED: Walkway nearest elevator now meets up parallel with others, Walkway infront of Plant wall removed.
> Cubicle dimensions (height, depth)
> Elevator shaft dimensions
> Door sizes
FIXED: All doors but those leading to the Toilet and Elevators made smaller

Link :

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday Meeting/Work Session

Me, Amy and Nick have come up with an idea that might help us take a few huge leaps towards getting everything done. We will be spending the day in the Games Lab to work on our Games Studio stuff together, that way we can test things and interact with less constraints than on skype or texting and we can focus.

When: 9:30am-5pm
Where: Games Lab

You don't have to come, but it would be beneficial for both you and the rest of the group if you did for communications sake. Major changes or thoughts will be posted on the blog throughout the day. And hey, hopefully all really important things will be dealt with before 5pm and we can all go home early.

Construction Unreal Level: Revised

Things that need to be changed:

-Less barrells
-Scaffolding needs to be done (1B-2, not 1A-1B, ramps)
-Stairs (1A-1B only)
-Textures customised and changed (obviously)
-Remove jump pad
-Shaft jumps between 1A-1B (need to be less awkward but not too easy)
-Chainlink fences (need to be pushed back to form a boundary rather than replace glass)
-Crane (needs to be placed at the front of the building near the emergency stairs with the platform moving from the closest building entrance vertically)
-Less repetition with objects (But don't get bogged down with making too many objects though, gameplay is more important)
-Preset Crates (can't be used because they are more suited to the post apocalyptic level and look our of place)
-Walkway pillars (need to be more uniform, grid pattern?)
-Walls (concrete slabs, no half built or deconsructed like bricks, only the main ones should be put in right now, not every single one)

Things that could be added:

-Jumping between 1A-1B (between 1A and 1B walkway, possibly a stack of crates, one jump intervals not double jumps)
-More objects in level 2
-Possibly baby plants, sacks of dirt or mulch
-Sandbags (more evidence of war)

Construction UT3

The mover was bugging so I got rid of it, for some reason it wouldn't collide with the player even though collision was on. Fixing it tomorrow.

For Amy (L)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Play Testing Take Two

Alright well since not everyone showed up at 9 on skype I suppose we will have to reschedule to tomorrow (AKA Tuesday) at the same time (9pm). The longer we leave this the less time we will have to perfect the design and the crappier the game will be.

"Completed" for PLAYTESTING

The link includes Textures and Static Meshes if they refuse to load

Hoping we can do this through Hamachi!

By the way, Alex here are our Skype usernames:
Belinda - belinda.plunkett1
Me - nick.merrett1
Amy - jeggernaut5000

...and I haven't added Joe yet, sorry! Belinda/Amy can comment his user at a later stage

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Reminder: Monday Deadline

As mentioned in the mini-deadline section these are just suggested hand-in points to keep everyone on track, however tomorrow's deadline is the major serious one as it MUST be done and handed in tomorrow during classes so we can start testing our maps.

Expected tomorrow:

-All basic weapon meshes
-Unreal maps refined to a near-glitchless level and ready for game testing (This includes basic floor wall roof textures to hinder any confusion during testing and proper level-alterations)
-Gametype scripting (Hopefully)
-Have the basic weapons useable in the mod (will be sorted out on the day)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Files for Belinderp

(without most of the elevator stuff)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Useful Link: How to make Movers in Unreal Editor

Mainly for the Elevators and Crane, but can be used for several other things! Take a look Making Movers

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Construction level Objects

Ladder, Girder, Cement Mixer, Hammer, Paintbrush, Paint Tin & Barrel.

11th of October

Just a quick reminder that by the 11th of October all assets must be completed!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Some stuff from today..

Just to keep you guys up-to-date with what I'm doing, I made a few basic models for decor items that can be used my "Completed" map. I hope I don't re-do what you've already done by doing these, Amy, but it was a refreshing change from the UT3 Editor and I'm glad for the practice w/ Maya.

These aren't the only ones I plan to do and they're obviously without textures/maps for the time being, but progress is progress, I guess.

Models Made - so far:
  • Water cooler
  • Mac (Desktop)
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Macbook (closed)
  • Macbook (opened)
  • Office Phone
  • Lights
  • and Mugs, Planter Pots, and different arrangements of paper/documents
Models to come - (add in Comments if you want to change/add items)
  • Chairs
  • Tables
  • Architectural Tools (Stationary, drawing boards, etc.)
  • Toilets
  • Wall Hangings
  • Elevator components (Buttons, etc.)
  • Doors?
  • Stair rails
  • other desk/kitchen junk
All of these should be extremely easy to model in Maya, most of the objects I made took a max of 20-30min, whilst watching Heroes (aka distracted), however I hope texturing/importing w/ UT Editor doesn't make this a mammoth task.

I am also going to be continuing to tweak my level constantly/daily, as I know many of these items aren't a MAJOR priority, however - again - it is a welcome change from UT3.

Here's a LINK to a zipped folder containing the Maya files, uploaded through FileFront, if you're curious.


And please make sure that Skype (having a Mic is SO much easier), UT3 Editor, Photoshop, Maya and all other Game Studio related programs are functional ASAP! We don't need computer/internet issues compounding our worries!

Again, If you have any objections, questions or items to add to the "TO-BE MODELLED" list for the "Completed Stage", put them in the Comment Section.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

basic wrench mesh

Fountain pen basic mesh

Assignment 2 Powerpoint Presentation


Any updated versions please post in a comment below.

Handy Links

Hey guys, I found some links off the blackboard that would be handy, specifically for Amy since she will be doing rigging etc but you guys may also want to give it a try in your free time so here they are:

Good rigging for bipeds

Maya to UT3 Skeletal Mesh Tutorial
Custom Character Tutorial

Downloadable First Person and Third Person Rigs

Good ones for everyone:
Exporting Static Meshes from Maya
3D Buzz (Photoshop, 3DS Max, Maya and Ut3 Tutorials)
NURBS part 1
NURBS part 2
NURBS part 3

NURBS part 4

NURBS part 5

NURBS to polygons

Friday, September 10, 2010

Milestone 3 Mini-Deadlines

All things considering I think submission went better than expected :) but we don't really have the luxury of slowing down like last time. :/ I thought the submission list went well greying out things as we did them so I'm going to incorporate that I think without the people colour coding..? I don't know. :P

20th of September
-All basic weapon meshes
-Unreal maps refined to a near-glitchless level and ready for game testing (This includes basic floor wall roof textures to hinder any confusion during testing and proper level-alterations)
-Gametype scripting (Hopefully)
-Have the basic weapons useable in the mod (Maybe do that as a group on the day..?)

Anyone doing the unreal levels who finishes early should also probably start considering making some meshes that they will need to refine their level. If Joe hasn't gotten the gametype scripting up and running by then we will have to start testing the closest thing we can to our game type, probably just everyone uses the melee weapons except for one without automatic switching. For most of the week after this submission we will be doing a lot of playing of the actual game, so make sure your copy is set up and ready to go. This also means you may need to make sure you're free some nights for the testing, it might be a little demanding :/

27th of September
-Final alterations to the basic level skeletons (after play tests and trial and error)
-Basic character models
-Weapon and character rigging maybe?

4th of October
-Extra objects for unreal levels done
-Refined weapon meshes and textured

By done I mean textured as well for the objects.

11th of October
-Levels refined and completely finished
-Refined character meshes and textured

I think it would probably be best to get everything seemingly done by Monday because

then we have until Thursday to sew everything together and combat glitches. I think with our
NWN2 one we focused on getting the components done and forgot about the time it takes to
connect them all.

This isn't really telling you you must get this all done or I will hate you, but we have very little time and the more you stay on par with this the less you will probably have to rush at the end. It's really more of a guide.

I didn't put in much of your timeline Joe because well I'm not really sure everything you have to do.. I think we may need to discuss on Monday about editing powerups, interactives and weapon scripting, as something like editing powerups I may be able to help out with, maybe investigate myself and do for you if you're tied down with the game type.

Umm... Amy you have a LOT to do so just let me know if you need help, me or Nick could probably help you :) because I think you have the most to do.

So.. Yeah, any questions or changes needed comment below, and I will grey out the tasks as they're done to help keep track of progress. I won't grey it out until it has been posted on the blog, preferably hosted on FileFront.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Technical Design Document

Construction Unreal Level


What's going on the disc

Unreal Levels

Construction -By Nick
Completed - By Nick
Ruined - By Belinda


Technical Document -By Joe
-doc file
-PDF file

Design Document & Art Guide - By Belinda, Amy and Nick
-doc file
-PDF file

Contribution List


Glue Gun - By Amy
Chalk Gun - By Belinda
T-Square -By Amy
Fountain Pen
Blow Torch - By Amy


-Level 1A
-Level 1B

-Level 2

-Level 1A
-Level 1B
-Level 2

-Level 1A

-Level 1B
-Level 2


Ruined Unreal Level


Glue Gun WIP Mesh


Chalk Gun Mesh

WIP (Basic)


Psuedo Code

Getting the right code properly inputted and getting it to work has been a bit of a hassle for me to be honest. I've done as much as the what the tutorials in the labs have detailed but filling the files up with workable code to play through is something i'll need some extra help with as research has been nothing but daunting and exhausting. So far, the most i can demonstrate with the tutors is this pseudo code showing basically everything i'll need to implement in the script. I understand i'll need to get this done as soon as possible but ill try to be a little more active in the process. :)

Blowtorch WIP

Ruined Building Sketchup

Level 1A

Level 1B

Level 2

Filefront for Nick

Filefront files for Nick: 1 (Construction).skp 1B (Construction).skp 2 (Construction).skp

Submission (Construction)

Ok, I’ve tried editing the UT3 skeleton, but the stupid toolset has not a construction brush and crashes whenever I try to do anything. It’s okay though, I threw a stapler at the wall and it smashed.

I’ve reinstalled it 4 times and it works for a little while before crashing again.

However, I’ve done the Sketch-up levels they are here:

Took forever to upload, started at 10:50 and only just got them all up >:( Stupid slow internet! 4Kb a second!!!

Nick wanted this.

Here you go Pretty Pretty Nick Flower Desu

T-Square Basic Mesh

Maya file -

Must. Resist. Urge to perfect...

"Completed" Level UT3 Prototype - version 1.0


* Added basic textures (Floor, Walls, Glass)
* Added other features to coincide with the SketchUp Model
* Added general cubicle layout


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

UT3 Skeleton

If you see any small errors, such as slightly raised thresholds just correct them and comment/tell me so I can adjust them also. Oh, and when you're applying the textures you may have to tile them to an equal size, due to the stretching.

...and fuck this tool set to hell

Blinding Weapons

Concepts for the Architects fountain pen:

And the builder's torch:

Character Finalization

Thought i'd post these for now just to be less empty-handed while I work on the weapon meshes..
Just confirm if there's some things you would like/don't like; ie the Builder's helmet with mesh or without, or if some things are too exaggerated/not enough.

Otherwise, if it's all good I can finalize the sheets properly when the characters are more relevant if you feel it's necessary.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What We Need For Thursday

And who should be handing in what by THURSDAY. No later, as I need to burn the CD THURSDAY NIGHT.

Needs Discussion

Mod structure in place
Sketchup Levels (Construction, Completed, Ruined)
Mod levels (Construction, Completed, Ruined)
New Textures for the Level Geometry
Static Meshes (Blow Torch, Glue Gun, Chalk Gun, Fountain Pen, Wrench, T-Square)
Concept Art (Final Character Designs)
Concept Art (Missing Blinding Weapons)
Interactive elements (doors, ladders, switches, etc.)
HUD scripting
New Game Type (extending DeathMatch or modifying OSMT-Adventure)
Technical Document

It needs to all be uploaded to the blog with names corresponding to the above headings, again not later than THURSDAY NIGHT at let's say, MIDNIGHT. If you have already uploaded a version, upload it again if even the smallest details have been added.

More importantly Joe please contact us if any of this has suddenly caught you by surprise, we also need to talk to you tonight on skype or a similar program about some things (nothing bad, just need some help with something.) Contact me on 0431343388 if you can't find me on msn!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Weapon/Characters/Era Matchups

Era 1: Construction


1. Wrench

Secondary Weapons:

1. Chalk Gun (Slowing)

2. Blow Torch (Blinding)

Era 2: Completed


1. T-Square


1. Glue Gun (Slowing)

2. Fountain Pen (Blinding)

Era 3: Ruined

Melee & Secondary: Unreal Defaults with slightly altered mesh.

Completed Building Sketchup

Here is the building for map 2 (completed) in it's final version. I have built the level ontop of the previous and have seperate level files for easy modification. Unlike previous versions anyone may possess it's completely consistant from file to file, so I suggest switching to these ASAP.

Level 1A

Level 1B

Level 2

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I know this is unrelated to Game Studio, but my Maya is deciding to have a seizure, so I was wondering whether you could point me in the direction of the torrent/whatever site you used to download it, Joe. Or maybe upload it in parts using a site? If you could you'd be my savior!!

Alternatively if anyone else knows how else to get it or how to bypass the Autodesk Licensing screen with a crack, rather than a keygen/serial number - I'm all ears.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

SketchUp Skeleton UPDATED

Hopefully the walls are lowered enough. Messing around with the dimensions has no doubt, presented a lot of missing faces/edges, but it shouldn't be too annoying to work with (fingers crossed)

Amy's Awesome List

This is an awesome list of things to do specifically for Amy so she knows what she's meant to be doing as her task is somewhat seperate to the level builders.

In order of priority...

By second milestone:
-Definite character concepts
-Primary weapons modelled (basic, not detailed, but in-game capable)
-Secondary weapons modelled (basic, not detailed, but in-game capable)

By third milestone:
-Primary weapons animation set
-Secondary weapons animation set
-Character models (basic, not detailed)
-Character animations set
-Primary weapons modelled (detailed)
-Secondary weapons modelled (detailed)
-Characters modelled (detailed)

If you have time:
-Objects (which ones decided when the time comes as others might have already been constructed)

6th of September (Monday) Meeting Details

I just copied and pasted the Monday things due so everyone could have a gander:

-Have the completed level skeleton completed so we can start on the other two skeletons (As in UT3 Mod skeleton, as the destroyed and construction then have to be done by the Thursday after for hand-in)

-Skype session at night to change the design doc and powerpoint for Milestone 2

Keep in mind that while the deadlines seem harsh it is important to get this done a week ahead of our presentation to avoid stress, as the friday after this meeting is also the hand-in for the milestone.


Level Colour Schemes

We've decided on general colour schemes for each level:

Construction - Sepia tones.

Completed - Cool neutral colours; metallic, frosted blue glass and general light blue tones on points of interest.

Destroyed - Grungy tones with a hint of green.

Decided Object Design

Here are the following objects that we have decided upon based on the deviant concepts submitted (Decided 31st August Tuesday Meeting):

-Nick's computers (mac, but changing the logo to some other form of fruit)
-Nick's weapons
-Nick's water cooler
-Nick's executive chairs (but used as chairs for all cubicle desks and board meeting desks)
-Belinda's meeting room table
-Belinda's waiting room chairs
-Belinda's lobby front desk
-Belinda's cubicle desks with instead a glass top

Amy will instead be submitting definite character concepts by tomorrow as opposed to object concepts.


Friday, August 27, 2010

Monday Deadline

Alright, I realise the Monday mini-deadline will be a bit more harsh because we have no uni. But if you could all scan (I know it sucks) and post them on the deviant page then we can still discuss it over skype. The 10 conceptual pieces required still stands as far as I know. So we need to decide on a time for Monday. I'm free all day so..

Sunday, August 22, 2010

May be absent on Monday

Hey guys,

There's a chance i might be late/absent during the GS lab tomorrow morning. (Sleep is the factor tbh) It's no biggie with the lessons, i can continue the programming stuff outside class with the notes. But yeah if you need me for anything, post back and i can meet sometime later in the day.



Saturday, August 21, 2010

Base Skeleton

Here's the skeleton done in Google Sketchup. It may not be perfect and I've completely abandoned the cubicles and the windows after the first level *dies*, and there may also be some small dimension errors, but that's pretty much the base of the floor plans we devised.

Oh and the exterior is left off, because we're still kind of undecided and it makes it a bitch to see the floors when it's elevated up.

Again any problems, Comment section, derp, derp, blah...


Thursday, August 19, 2010


1. Decayed - 3rd stage
2. Construction - 1st stage
3. Completed - 2nd stage

Here are the floor plans we decided upon on Monday, they may differ from the sketches due to how rough the sketches were...sorry! But if there are any major differences/changes to make, just post them in the comments.

Also sorry for the delay!

Monday, August 16, 2010


So, week to week deadlines where we post or show others the work. It's been broken down to what MUST be done. Just because it's group work doesn't mean it should be treated less important than other classes... The schedule is reasonable...

25th of August (Wednesday):

-Sketch up prototype of allocated level completed, we will need to alter these afterwards if something doesn't work so it's best to do it quickly, and it gives enough time to do everything that's due this week :)

30th of August (Monday):

-Have pretty much every item decided upon - we will probably have a skype thing this week to discuss the key objects that need to be sketched out, then post the items in a list so we can focus on the more prominant objects. (Aiming for 10 thought-out sketches per person..?)
-Weapons and Characters 'Fleshed out'

1st of September (Wednesday):

- Sketchup of other levels completed

6th of September (Monday):

-Have the completed level skeleton completed so we can start on the other two skeletons for Friday submission
-Skype session at night to change the design doc and powerpoint :)

13th of September (Monday):

-Start testing of levels (all level and weapon skeletons completed)

If I've missed anything let me know.. >.>

Saturday, August 14, 2010

UT3 Game File Requests?

Do any of you guys want me to bring a copy of UT3 tomorrow? I just need to know whether i need to bring my big hard drive with the game files or just bring Maya on a usb stick.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Modeling Practice!

In addition to roughing out concept floorplans and other things, I thought I may as well get some basic practice with the Unreal Editor at the same time, by making little play areas. Obviously these aren't going to be full "floors" and by no means are refined (dead ends, no textures, screwed up lighting, overlapping corners, etc.) but they are a quick and effective way of familiarizing yourself with the Editor, and attuning yourself to the settings/windows, etc.

Here's the link to the first one, the "cubical" concept I was drawing in the last GS Lecture:

I'll make a few more of these and post the links in the Comment Section at a later date, try them out.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday meeting agenda outline

Alright, well I think it would be good to get a list of everything that needs to be discussed on Monday.. In order to help smoothly move between each thing on the list. Here are the things I think we need to discuss, feel free to add things in comments and I'll edit it in.

-Breakup of tasks within the group (e.g. Buildings, objects, weapons, characters, textures)

-Layout of buildings, exact specifics, with sketches and mock ups drawn up *during* the meeting so they are absolute (this will help people model their objects specifically, knowing they already have the consent of the group, which will reduce hesitation)

-Appearance (from all angles)
-Textures needed
-Assignment of additional sketches needed to be done ASAP for immediate modelling

-Character concepts
-Appearance (With sketches decided upon during the meeting, again so it is absolute)
-Textures needed

-What we need done by the prototype, with mini-deadlines week by week (possibly 'handed in' on the Mondays for discussion

The mini-deadlines may seem Nazi, but the more we compartmentalise tasks the more sure we will be that we have covered everything for the milestone and overall game.

Details of the meeting:

When: 16th August (next Monday), 1:30 (after lecture)
Where: Games Lounge
Bring: Weapon, object and character sketches done during the week (not so much objects).
Who: Basically the entire design team, Joe you're welcome to come along but you don't have to :D (which means you could skip the lecture)

*This will probably be a longish meeting, but if we stay on track and tackle most things, it will make everything easier for the long haul. So try not to need to be anywhere after Uni that day.

Anyway, let me know what else we should add to the list :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

A Quick Idea - The Models

So I was thinking about our Art and how we're going to get the style over to a 3-D model without losing any of its "pezzazz".
So I've started drawing simple shapes over some of the concept sketches of the characters just to get an idea of how we might begin to create them.
I've found that doing separate ones for both the body and the close up head work well as most of the character is in the face and there's nothing worse than a flat poly face with textures doing all the work, looks nasty.
Thoughts? I've found it really helpful in envisioning the way we might try to tackle the task.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Presentation Backup

Presentation Typed

Here is the presentation typed, but not styled... Take it away Nick! :D

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Powerpoint Presentation

Alrighty, so who is doing the powerpoint presentation? I could probably type it all up into the main aspects, but I'm not so much with the pretty stuffs.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Just checking...

Couldn't help but notice the design doc put on filefront was a .doc file. Hoping it was converted to pdf. Just wanted to know...?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Durr Hurr

Heyyy guys. I don't function in the morning and with all my planning to get here early and put shit together and take photos of more concept art I did here, I forgot the cable for my camera.
I am a little bit special.

Therefore, any other art is going to have to come from you guys before 12:30 (time given for me to flail around with the uploading system) or shall be submitted as is.
Cheers, enjoy your day off.


Artificial Intelligence

Although [game name] has been intended to be a game played entirely by humans, AI used in the game may apply to NPC's and enhanced Bots.

NPC's in the game may include bystanding workers (construction workers, office workers, cleaners, etc.) that would react to the hostile environment around them by seeking safety (and perhaps even try to defend themselves, thus becoming nuisances to nearby players).

The Bots, if there aren't enough designated human players, may fill in and perform like a normal UT3 bot, except an extension of code would be added to the bot AI so that they can understand the rules and weapons of the game and act accordingly.


Limitations in Time
The time required by the group to decide upon ideas and themes was unexpectedly excessive. Obviously in a group everyone wants to get their ideas across but unfortunately not all can. In our group there was a lot of ‘flip flopping’ between ideas that delayed us from reaching a concrete idea earlier in the design process.
After we came to realize our vision we were quickly reminded of the limited time that we had available to us. This would mean that we would be unable to implement our favorite and most innovative ideas which would require an unrealistic amount of commitment.
With very little 3-D modeling experience between those in our group we were not confident in our ability to learn software tools in the short space of time available.

Limitations in Tools and Skills
It was difficult for each member of the group to acquire a copy of Unreal Tournament 3 or distribute it amongst other members due to downloading times and technical issues. Learning a new toolset format was difficult in comparison with what we have used earlier. For instance, in Neverwinter Nights 2 all models or characters and objects were already made and ready to be placed in the game environment. However, in Unreal Tournament 3 there are considerably less available models and most have to be made from scratch.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Game Progression

Map 1 - Construction

This map will consist of 3-4 storeys in the building. The layout is focused on wide open building storeys where the basic load baring walls have been mostly fleshed out, the windows have not been put in, and scaffolding still remains in certain areas between levels. We will also place some cranes lifting cargo from the bottom level to the top level. The top level won't have all of it's walls in place, so more experienced players can easily jump to the floor from the cargo.

The scaffolding on the outside of the building will provide a save more stealthy option between floors 2 and 3 of the building, whereas the incomplete emergency stairs will provide access between the ground floor lobby and floor 1. These two options of floor transport will be placed at opposite ends of the 'exposed' open floor plans and require the player to move rather than just camp. In addition to these two routes the crane will be a makeshift shortcut from the bottom directly to the top, but highly exposed to all floors inbetween.

Map 2 - Completed

The outline of this map will be more sleek and 'contemporary'. It will be filled with mini mazes (yet amazingly organised) office cubicles. The ground floor will be a more open lobby area, with a desk centered neatly towards the front entrance. Surrounding the complex there will be a neat uniform garden. The building will also be fitted with finished emergency stairs on one side and an elevator on the opposite.

The office cubicle walls will provide cover to crouching players, but be short enough to allow players to see over it when they're standing upright. The ground floor lobby will be a more open conflict area where players will most likely 'bump' into each other in a more crowded multiplayer situation. Emergency stairs will then have a similar purpose as last time providng a stealthy but lengthy means to progress from floor to floor. The elevator will automatically shift from floor to floor stopping every floor up and down. It is the player's strategic advantage to keep track of when it is going up and down, and it will be a faster means between floors, but 'ding' on every level to announce it arrival, which will draw attention.

Map 3 - Dilapadated

After years of struggle the once sleek and new building in map 2 will be crumbling under it's age. This will immobilise the elevator, create breaks in the stairs and produce holes in floors. The garden will be overgrown and slowly climbing the building, possibly the only thing still holding it together.

The elevator shaft will create a one-way shortcut from top to the first floor, with a slight health penalty upon impact. Originally, the broken elevator will restat the bottom of the shaft on the lobby floor. If time constraints allow we will endeavour to change the broken elevator to a 'counterweight' idea where it will be broken at the top, and players need only jump on it for it to drop a level. The doors will be stuck open providing a hiding hole of sorts on certain floors. The broken stairs will provide a means of floor progression both up and down floors for more experienced players who are confident enough to jump between chunks of stairs. Holes between floors will not be placed directly under each other, but be randomly scattered. Some floors will also have fallen planks which can act as walkways to go up to the next floor. This will enable a more stable way for more inexperienced players. Piles of rubble and left behind furniture will add as cover as well as creeping foliage.

Game Mechanics

[Game Name] will place the player in a first person perspective. The game rules are a free for all 'not it' situation. One player will have a weapon of dominance (a gun with a charge restraint to keep it balanced) whilst all other participants will be weilding only a basic melee weapon.

The gun-wielding character is free to hunt down and kill these melee players for points. The objective of the melee players is to use strategy and knowledge of the map to get close enough to the gunner to kill them. The melee players aren't desiginated as a clearcut official 'team' but may see fit to work together to take down the gunner.

However, whichever melee player delivers the final blow to the gunner then respawns as the gunner, and the deceased gunner is then respawned as a melee player. This creates a situation where the player must choose to attack alone with small odds of winning, but a garunteed gunner position if successful or use a team strategy and sacrifice their chances of getting the gunner position just to hinder the current gunner's point progression.

This will also aid in balancing the game as the more points the gunner gets the more likely the melee players are to team up. Melee players do not get points for killing each other. The player will recieve a bonus point for killing the current gunner, and an additional point for every kill they get as gunner thereafter.

Art Style

We're still a bit bitsy on the style, but what we had in mind was closer to UT3 default styles so we can still use some of their textures. We're still going for a simplistic but exaggerated style (like warhammer space marine armor) we're not aiming for photoreaslism.

It's still very vague, the more concept art we can pump out the sooner we can look through it all and pick one so we need diversity!

:D Have fun drawing!

What we need for the Design Doc submission

Okay people! I'm going to attempt to tackle the Design Document tonight, so that we have a fighting chance come submission (5pm Friday, August 6th) and will be able to work on the presentation for Monday (and no, we can't use the same thing if you where wondering people!).
Here's what we need (Most of this is on the "Guidelines.pdf" under "Lecture 1" on the Blackboard)


Design Document
  • Table of Contents - Self-explanatory
  • Introduction/Overview - The overview describes the purpose of the document at hand
    and tries to depict the game design in a concise fashion. No more than a single page should convey the feeling of the game (and of the document)
  • Game Mechanics - We describe the gameplay style, the type (1st/3rd person? Deathmatch? etc.), the interaction between players/the world/NPCs, the controls
  • Artificial Intelligence - [Joe I was hoping you could cover this if you don't mind! Not sure if we really have any though] What kind of AIs we need in our game? Are there different AIs (NPCs)? What actions are allowed for every AI? Are there special features in some specific AIs?
  • Game Elements - Where we describe all elements relevant to our game. Weapons/power ups, Objects/doors/switches/jumps as well as any NPC actions or skills
  • Game Progression - Describes what happens to the player in our
    game. Better explained on a per-level basis. What are the challenges offered to players? What are the main events?
  • References - Any relevant materiel/resources
Art Guide
  • Table of Contents - Again...self-explanatory
  • Introduction/Overview - Introduce document as well as art style, etc.
  • Art Style - What kind of art style are you going to use? (Cartoon, Photo realistic, Based on some specific movie/comic/fiction) What are your artistic references? Sketches, renderings and/or storyboards should be included.
  • Storyboards - Mock-up sketches to show the intended style/gameplay of the game
  • Technical Guidelines - Technical limitations (time, polygon budget, tools, etc.)
  • References - Again any relevant materials
Technical Design Document (apparently only appears in the second and third assignment submissions)

We need to know also that everyone agrees on the idea and it would be awesome if anyone wants to help me out (possibly writing up some of the sections in an articulate way, or finding references, whatever!).

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Office building set in three seperate stages of it's 'life cycle' (which will make three seperate deathmatch stages). These will effectively be:

1. Construction : Moving girders/platforms, scaffolding on the outside of the building for covert level changes, half completed buildings with 'exposed' regions to the moving platforms, ground/gritty bottom level with very little cover.

Characters: Builders (uniform compromised with ww1 style armour with a futuristic twist)

2. Completed : Sleek, modern design with various mazes of office cubicles high enough to cover you in a crouch but also allow you to pop your head over the top, elevators moving up and down, garden on ground level to hide in (possibly parking lot).

Characters: Architects (suits, with possibly briefcases, wielding something like a T-square)

3. Dilapidated : Worn, holes in floor, trap floors that fall, empty elevator shifts which allow fast moving between levels but may incur health penalties, breaks in cubicle walls.

Characters: Standard UT3 characters (already possess post-apocalyptic feel)

Have a read over it and I can edit this post (I think) as we change it.

Monday, August 2, 2010

My Style Concept

So as instructed by the overmind I have gone home and worked on a brief style concept for "Janitor Wars", this is the style I think the game should be done in.

The only problem is that the shade and light will change direction as objects move because they are painted onto the model. Maybe just a general colouring is required and we just use contentional game shading.

- Alex

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Brainstorming pt.2

OK guys, so after our little "brainstorming" session earlier today we've come up with the idea of some sort of Janitor/Maintenance Wars. This is what I've gathered about the concept from our discussion:
  • The gameplay style is time-based, and will have a strong emphasis on the "door" system (a means of gaining access to different pathways, vantage points and areas)
  • The game will involve shifting obstacles/platforms
  • Will most likely be set in indoor locations (Hotel, Hospital, Office building, University, Shopping center, etc.) but one level must have an outdoor area/greenhouse due to the brief
  • The combat is to be strategical, as the only weapon that can inflict physically harm is the wrench/melee weapon and the player must utilize a variety of maintenance based"weapons" to overcome the enemy (some of these weapons may blind/hinder speed or footing, etc.)
  • There could be a variety of characters such as Janitors, Mechanics, Gardeners, Maids, etc.
  • The game's "style" is to be similar to that of Team Fortress 2. Using bright color and simplified shapes/textures.
If I've missed anything, please tell me! Otherwise post your Comments below!

Monday, July 26, 2010


OK! So I think we should begin/continue documenting all of our weird and wonderful ideas!
As usual, everyone is entitled to their own ideas and you should post them regardless of how obscure or how repeated the idea may be.

Use the "Comment" section below.

Monday, July 19, 2010

[First Post] Summarizing our Assignment

Our Assignment: To create a UT3 Death Match mod

Expected features:
  • New Levels (At least 3) – BSP Geometry, Textures, Static Meshes, Terrain
  • At least one "Mutator" and/or Weapon and/or Pawn
  • Bot placement on each level
  • Interactive elements on each level

Due dates:

Step#1: Initial Design
Present in Week 4, Submit by Friday Week 3 (6th of August)
Step#2: Prototype
Present in Week 8, Submit by Friday Week 7 (10th of September)
Step#3: Final Mod
Present in Week 13, Submit by Friday Week 12 (15th of October)


Required Documents:
  • Design Document (Gameplay Mechanics / Level Design)
  • Technical Design Document (Code Design & Description)
  • Art Guide (Art Style and Technical Constraints)