Saturday, October 16, 2010

Construction Level Final

Here it is > Level -

PROBLEMS: Due to my computer having a complete Derp over the sky, UT3 crashed every time I tried to open up the environments/sky folder .: it has no sky so I'm sorry but one of you guys will have to quickly add one.

Included are all custom textures:

All dimensions are changed according to the blog.

Now I have to go to my Grandmothers 60th before Mum screams at me some more for already making us 30min late :S


  1. I believe I mentioned that textures submitted had to be in a .upk file. I'm not making one for you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Also, if you're asking us to put in the sky, you're also asking us to put a sepia tone, and make our own texture for said skydome.

    This is something we will not do. We will put a default skydome, if you want a sepia skydome do it yourself.

    You're lucky that Nick is nice enough to change your lighting settings so not all of them cast shadows, because it makes your level lag to hell.

    P.S glad to see you decided to be such a jerk by shrugging off our suggestions saying you will do it tomorrow and never actually doing them.

    P.P.S you should probably try and make your facebook wall private before you start badmouthing your team members and blaming them for every folly.

    All that being said, have good holidays and I hope to never work with you again.

  4. Those post were only ever about you Belinda, I have no problem with Nick or Amy, I think they are nice people. The feeling of distain between you and me is mutual. As it so happens I've had a lot to deal with in the past 6 months. My parents are getting divorced, and I haven’t seen my Dad in 4 months, which means I have to pick up a lot of the slack at home and trying to look after my Mum who is a total wreck. I'm also on a series of strong anti-depressants which make it hard to focus. Now you know. With all of this, I've tried my best, but that doesn't seem to satisfy you're insane idea that a group of 1st year uni students can pull of a first rate game. I think you're a horrible person and most people in our course have often asked me about that "Belinda girl" and how much of a pain in the ass she was, the Facebook posts were just a quick and easy way of getting the word out to the multitude.

  5. I have to say Alex, you're not the only one who has gone through a complete MOUNTAIN of shit. On the topic I have also told people about you. I told everyone who asked how slack and unthoughtful you have been with your work, that being said most of the time I also had the decency not to give that team member a name. So really, who is the worst of the two? There's a line between 'haven't had time' and 'I don't fucking give a damn, and won't follow a logical thought process'. Clearly you are the second.

    You can't expect us to give you special treatment when you haven't at ALL told us you are going through crap. You didn't have to say anything specific, but if you had said "look guys, I am going through some pretty deep things" we would have given you slack. That little cluster of excuses you just dropped doesn't help you at all. You can say "I won't have time" fine. But saying "sure I'll change that tomorrow!" and never change ANYTHING on MULTIPLE occasions and act like you did them just proves how arrogant you really are.

    I won't keep going because I have work to do on a project I have PRIDE in. And I am trying my hardest to put MY personal problems in the background and I WON'T start giving them specific identities to try and gain pity.

    P.S Unlike you, I find that if it were outside of a group project context you would be a good person to hang out with, possibly friend material. But clearly you have decided to blindly flail around like an ignorant child. Have fun with that.

  6. Look, I don't care anymore, let's just get this over with then we can go about ignoring one another.
