Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Construction Objects

All done, except sandbags and crane.

Both Normal and Sepia textures incase the sepia looks shit. Now importing them into UT3 *fingers crossed that I havn't done anything stupid*


  1. The barrels really bother me. The shading doesn't seem right? It makes them look like curves when barrels are cylinders with reinforced rings around them? It looks odd idk.. I think the base colour for it is also too gold which reflects in the sepia version.

    The objects such as girder, cement mixer and ladder look rusted or dirty rather than sepia.

  2. I'm hoping they won't look rusty/dirty when we put them in the environment. It's hard to make sepia metal objects without them looking rusty. The barrels do look a bit gold, I painted them to look as though they're covered in peeling yellow paint. We'll see how it goes.

  3. ..What about the lighting problems with the barrels?

  4. You mean how they're shiny? I fixed that, I accidentally clicked the wrong texture type.

  5. No.. I mentioned it in my first post, "The shading doesn't seem right? It makes them look like curves".

  6. Yeah that's a combination of the material reflecting and the distance from the object to the camera. They don't appear curved in the program.
