Tuesday, August 31, 2010

SketchUp Skeleton UPDATED


Hopefully the walls are lowered enough. Messing around with the dimensions has no doubt, presented a lot of missing faces/edges, but it shouldn't be too annoying to work with (fingers crossed)


  1. That's so much better, trying to deconstruct this thing to make an in construction phase with those massive walls looked a bit ridiculous.

  2. Also, and it may just be my program, but editing this thing seems very tricky, not like any other sketchup project I've worked on before. For instance, when I try to push and pull a surface it just makes a copy and moves that and there are lots of segments that arn't joined. Is this the same for everyone?

  3. Actually, I was going to fix Nick's up because some things don't match up, and the proportions are still a little muddled.

  4. Never mind, I just won't fix it.

  5. I think we should revise it somewhat, some of the walls and floors are 2D which makes it very hard to modify.

    It's still a great amount of work though, it just feels unfinished and we should be sure that our skeleton is strong and finished (by drinking lots of milk :D) before we start doing anything to it, otherwise we're just going to run into problems later.

  6. Which was why I was fixing it.

  7. I should get it done by the end of this weekend, as I have other homework which is a bit more urgent.

    This means ALL sketchups will be due by Monday, as Nick will have his UT3 skeleton done by then.
