Sunday, August 1, 2010

Brainstorming pt.2

OK guys, so after our little "brainstorming" session earlier today we've come up with the idea of some sort of Janitor/Maintenance Wars. This is what I've gathered about the concept from our discussion:
  • The gameplay style is time-based, and will have a strong emphasis on the "door" system (a means of gaining access to different pathways, vantage points and areas)
  • The game will involve shifting obstacles/platforms
  • Will most likely be set in indoor locations (Hotel, Hospital, Office building, University, Shopping center, etc.) but one level must have an outdoor area/greenhouse due to the brief
  • The combat is to be strategical, as the only weapon that can inflict physically harm is the wrench/melee weapon and the player must utilize a variety of maintenance based"weapons" to overcome the enemy (some of these weapons may blind/hinder speed or footing, etc.)
  • There could be a variety of characters such as Janitors, Mechanics, Gardeners, Maids, etc.
  • The game's "style" is to be similar to that of Team Fortress 2. Using bright color and simplified shapes/textures.
If I've missed anything, please tell me! Otherwise post your Comments below!


  1. As much as I love this idea, I think we need to be cautious about the style. As Belinda said, the example with the "Box heads" was a 3rd year project, and choosing to have an TF2/almost cell-shaded aesthetic means that we are forced to basically make every texture and nearly every mesh by ourselves for continuity with the style, which along with the custom weapons and characters could be a very long and arduous process.

    I'm not suggesting we ditch the idea or just cast it out of the same mold as UT3, but I do suggest we think about it.

  2. Shifting obstacles/platforms AND doors..? Not too sure about that.. I don't remember hearing them in combination..

    As for the damage via melee.. I like the idea but i think while it would require strategy with getting close enough to people I can see most just charging in and hitting each other.. It also takes out specialists (e.g. sniper fanatics)which creates it's own strategy.

    There was a similar setting for halo campaign where you could only regen your health via melee, possibly something like that wouldn't inhibit strategy as much.

    And NO this was not something I had in mind during our meeting I thought it up on the way home. But it's just a thought.

  3. Perhaps I was interpreting the doors/obstacles as separate things, I'm not quite sure.
    I know what you mean about it possibly turning into a wrench-spamming fest though, as there's no real penalty for just running up and spamming attack

  4. A good point there, Spanner Spamming, or what I like to call Spanning. That's something we'll have to consider. Also Bel makes a good point about the sniper fanatics, I'm not sure how we can come up with something there, perhaps now that we solved the problem of us being poor modelers with our new game aesthetic we could design a variety of janitor based weapons.

  5. Alos I like the "Janitors, Mechanics, Gardeners, Maids, etc." I must have missed that part, I can see it :D

  6. I thought about this question last semester with NWN2, but i know that they dont mean to tell us so we could be as creative as possible. But why can't they just show us previous class projects that perhaps got HD's so we know whats tolerable/possible? I mean if those HD students used nothing but default models and classes, and made a tdm with different rules, why should the new teams be tasked with trying to be radical with this engine?

    I honestly got hopped up goofballs with excitement for all these ideas and wished we were given appropriate lessons in making it possible but like Nick said, stuff outside of the norm seems to indeed be 3rd year leet stuff.

    I think the biggest tasks us guys should handle should really be level and game design it seems. We can pitch our ideas by Friday sure, but in the long term we should try to be very realistic i unfortunately reckon. Those are my two cents, what do you guys think?

  7. It wasn't necessarily moving obstacles AND doors, but more like - a set of obstacles (Ie Blue - on a timer of every 10 seconds) might consist of shifting platforms and doors at different places around the map..

    But yeah. We should probably consider more range or projectile weapons.
    ALSO, interesting note was that another group IS doing circus/clowns.

    I suggest that for our pitch on friday we heavy it on our game mechanics(ie shifting maps) rather than our theme.. give us a bit of breathing space with style and weapon changes.

  8. It is an ambitious idea, but we present that idea on friday and then have it chopped to pieces, it's better to overshoot the mark and have it brought back than to fall short.

  9. We don't present on Friday, we present on Monday. The brief is due on Friday.

  10. Oh and note that the brief does require the (atleast mostly completed) art bible, so we need to select a style and stick to it. By style I mean not that we're doing cell shaded cartoons, i mean specifically within that.
