Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Game Mechanics

[Game Name] will place the player in a first person perspective. The game rules are a free for all 'not it' situation. One player will have a weapon of dominance (a gun with a charge restraint to keep it balanced) whilst all other participants will be weilding only a basic melee weapon.

The gun-wielding character is free to hunt down and kill these melee players for points. The objective of the melee players is to use strategy and knowledge of the map to get close enough to the gunner to kill them. The melee players aren't desiginated as a clearcut official 'team' but may see fit to work together to take down the gunner.

However, whichever melee player delivers the final blow to the gunner then respawns as the gunner, and the deceased gunner is then respawned as a melee player. This creates a situation where the player must choose to attack alone with small odds of winning, but a garunteed gunner position if successful or use a team strategy and sacrifice their chances of getting the gunner position just to hinder the current gunner's point progression.

This will also aid in balancing the game as the more points the gunner gets the more likely the melee players are to team up. Melee players do not get points for killing each other. The player will recieve a bonus point for killing the current gunner, and an additional point for every kill they get as gunner thereafter.

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