Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Office building set in three seperate stages of it's 'life cycle' (which will make three seperate deathmatch stages). These will effectively be:

1. Construction : Moving girders/platforms, scaffolding on the outside of the building for covert level changes, half completed buildings with 'exposed' regions to the moving platforms, ground/gritty bottom level with very little cover.

Characters: Builders (uniform compromised with ww1 style armour with a futuristic twist)

2. Completed : Sleek, modern design with various mazes of office cubicles high enough to cover you in a crouch but also allow you to pop your head over the top, elevators moving up and down, garden on ground level to hide in (possibly parking lot).

Characters: Architects (suits, with possibly briefcases, wielding something like a T-square)

3. Dilapidated : Worn, holes in floor, trap floors that fall, empty elevator shifts which allow fast moving between levels but may incur health penalties, breaks in cubicle walls.

Characters: Standard UT3 characters (already possess post-apocalyptic feel)

Have a read over it and I can edit this post (I think) as we change it.


  1. I don't get what it is with this "Post Apocalyptic" style, I mean, first we didn't want it to be clichéd and now we're introducing post apocalyptic elements? the most clichéd genre in modern gaming?

  2. A dilapidated, aged office building with broken elements (walls, objects etc.), not exactly post-apocalyptic, its just easier to refer to it like that. It may be a bit cliched but it's gonna be hard to avoid not running into a single cliche and to be honest it is due on Friday. We can always alter/change it at a later stage, can we not?
