Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday meeting agenda outline

Alright, well I think it would be good to get a list of everything that needs to be discussed on Monday.. In order to help smoothly move between each thing on the list. Here are the things I think we need to discuss, feel free to add things in comments and I'll edit it in.

-Breakup of tasks within the group (e.g. Buildings, objects, weapons, characters, textures)

-Layout of buildings, exact specifics, with sketches and mock ups drawn up *during* the meeting so they are absolute (this will help people model their objects specifically, knowing they already have the consent of the group, which will reduce hesitation)

-Appearance (from all angles)
-Textures needed
-Assignment of additional sketches needed to be done ASAP for immediate modelling

-Character concepts
-Appearance (With sketches decided upon during the meeting, again so it is absolute)
-Textures needed

-What we need done by the prototype, with mini-deadlines week by week (possibly 'handed in' on the Mondays for discussion

The mini-deadlines may seem Nazi, but the more we compartmentalise tasks the more sure we will be that we have covered everything for the milestone and overall game.

Details of the meeting:

When: 16th August (next Monday), 1:30 (after lecture)
Where: Games Lounge
Bring: Weapon, object and character sketches done during the week (not so much objects).
Who: Basically the entire design team, Joe you're welcome to come along but you don't have to :D (which means you could skip the lecture)

*This will probably be a longish meeting, but if we stay on track and tackle most things, it will make everything easier for the long haul. So try not to need to be anywhere after Uni that day.

Anyway, let me know what else we should add to the list :)

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