Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Game Progression

Map 1 - Construction

This map will consist of 3-4 storeys in the building. The layout is focused on wide open building storeys where the basic load baring walls have been mostly fleshed out, the windows have not been put in, and scaffolding still remains in certain areas between levels. We will also place some cranes lifting cargo from the bottom level to the top level. The top level won't have all of it's walls in place, so more experienced players can easily jump to the floor from the cargo.

The scaffolding on the outside of the building will provide a save more stealthy option between floors 2 and 3 of the building, whereas the incomplete emergency stairs will provide access between the ground floor lobby and floor 1. These two options of floor transport will be placed at opposite ends of the 'exposed' open floor plans and require the player to move rather than just camp. In addition to these two routes the crane will be a makeshift shortcut from the bottom directly to the top, but highly exposed to all floors inbetween.

Map 2 - Completed

The outline of this map will be more sleek and 'contemporary'. It will be filled with mini mazes (yet amazingly organised) office cubicles. The ground floor will be a more open lobby area, with a desk centered neatly towards the front entrance. Surrounding the complex there will be a neat uniform garden. The building will also be fitted with finished emergency stairs on one side and an elevator on the opposite.

The office cubicle walls will provide cover to crouching players, but be short enough to allow players to see over it when they're standing upright. The ground floor lobby will be a more open conflict area where players will most likely 'bump' into each other in a more crowded multiplayer situation. Emergency stairs will then have a similar purpose as last time providng a stealthy but lengthy means to progress from floor to floor. The elevator will automatically shift from floor to floor stopping every floor up and down. It is the player's strategic advantage to keep track of when it is going up and down, and it will be a faster means between floors, but 'ding' on every level to announce it arrival, which will draw attention.

Map 3 - Dilapadated

After years of struggle the once sleek and new building in map 2 will be crumbling under it's age. This will immobilise the elevator, create breaks in the stairs and produce holes in floors. The garden will be overgrown and slowly climbing the building, possibly the only thing still holding it together.

The elevator shaft will create a one-way shortcut from top to the first floor, with a slight health penalty upon impact. Originally, the broken elevator will restat the bottom of the shaft on the lobby floor. If time constraints allow we will endeavour to change the broken elevator to a 'counterweight' idea where it will be broken at the top, and players need only jump on it for it to drop a level. The doors will be stuck open providing a hiding hole of sorts on certain floors. The broken stairs will provide a means of floor progression both up and down floors for more experienced players who are confident enough to jump between chunks of stairs. Holes between floors will not be placed directly under each other, but be randomly scattered. Some floors will also have fallen planks which can act as walkways to go up to the next floor. This will enable a more stable way for more inexperienced players. Piles of rubble and left behind furniture will add as cover as well as creeping foliage.

1 comment:

  1. Art Style stuff...decided just to shove it down here, hurr.

    The art style decided for (game name) focuses on keeping a level of detail and reality in the texturing and level construction, however exaggerating selective features such as proportion and scale of the character models and environment. Artistic references and direction came partially from the preset texture inclusions and styling of UT3 environments, leading us to aim for a stylistic integration and expansion on the bases supplied by the toolset as well as creating the setting-relevant textures for (game name). The character models will be designed heavily on their silhouettes, similarly to the way TF2 exaggerates features according to the relative classes (such as the Builders being top heavy and muscular versus the Architects being sleeker and slim).
