Monday, August 9, 2010

A Quick Idea - The Models

So I was thinking about our Art and how we're going to get the style over to a 3-D model without losing any of its "pezzazz".
So I've started drawing simple shapes over some of the concept sketches of the characters just to get an idea of how we might begin to create them.
I've found that doing separate ones for both the body and the close up head work well as most of the character is in the face and there's nothing worse than a flat poly face with textures doing all the work, looks nasty.
Thoughts? I've found it really helpful in envisioning the way we might try to tackle the task.


  1. Have you looked at the toolset...? I think that's an important part of finding direction.

  2. No I have not, I don't have it.
    I have to try and get it off Joe because I tried to download it and then it didn't work.

    Does it contain any builders, WW1 soldiers or architects? I’m very doubtful it does.

  3. Nick gave it to everyone last Monday, why didn't you get it then? And being bitter doesn't help. You need to get over yourself.

    It's all good and well to break it down into shapes, but if you don't look at how the program works and models then you might not line the two up well. I was trying to be helpful.

  4. Next time if you ask for opinion/thoughts specify that you wanted it from anyone but me if you're going to be an ass.

  5. Alreight, sarcasm and snapping aside;

    For modelling characters, I believe the initial plan was creating them in Maya and transferring them over?
    In Maya you can import pictures to set as a sort of 'background' to work against, so what we need to do is create multi-angled character sheets and also weapon designs.
    Which means we need to decide what, down to details, we want for our models so they can be divided amongst us or set with one team member and resulting in finished products equal to what we were all envisioning/expecting.

  6. Personally, i think it would be easier to maintain a set style if perhaps one person creates all the character models. Not to say we all can't pitch in on the details, but that way our models are consistent. Then maybe someone else could take on the weapons workload in a similar way? Just a thought.

  7. Sorry Belinda, I just find it hard to tell if you're being sarcastic or not. Friends?

    btw, I think that's a good idea, 1 for weapons, 1 for the environment and 1 for characters. It may get a bit one sided because I think characters would be the hardest and weapons the easiest, so if that does happen we can always share the workload.

    Personally I'm looking forward to doing some 3-D modeling :D

  8. On review, my maths doesn't work out :S So maybe 1 for custom textures? I understand that we don't need textures for the environment, I mean for weapons and characters.

  9. I think the environments were originally going to be between one person for each level.

    The style won't be too obviously inconsistent if they're also meant to be set in different times and if the foundation layout is in the middle of the progression.

    It kind of erases the whole chinese whispers problems where the construction could be not even close to the dilapidated.

  10. Before all of this comes into motion, we need a meeting (next monday I suppose) to decide EXACTLY what we need, down to every texture, and every object in the entire game...

    So really we need floorplan/layout sketches and weapon sketches from everyone so we can decide on which ones we want for that meeting on Monday.

    I would probably say this meeting will be a long one.

  11. Hey guys, if you still need the files for the game, just remind me like on sunday or something, so i can back it up to me ext hard drive, otherwise i'll forget, which i seemed to do since week 2. :)

  12. If I can Joe, could I grab Maya off of you?

  13. Yeah I'll grab maya as well!
