Monday, August 2, 2010

My Style Concept

So as instructed by the overmind I have gone home and worked on a brief style concept for "Janitor Wars", this is the style I think the game should be done in.

The only problem is that the shade and light will change direction as objects move because they are painted onto the model. Maybe just a general colouring is required and we just use contentional game shading.

- Alex


  1. As cool as that is, I think we need to really quickly think about the style. If we commit to this style (right in the middle of the spectrum) we'll have to basically make every texture/mesh ourselves which is no small task. If we were to push, either more towards realistic (where we can use some of Unreal's textures/meshes/objects without it looking bizzare) or more "cartoony" (where we can make walls/objects flat colors) it would be a much more do-able task.

    Another thing I discussed with Belinda is a way to (hopefully) balance out the wrench spamming, and a variation on the original "hose" idea.

    If one randomized is given a slow firing, long range weapon (the only offensive ranged weapon) and their aim is to either hold onto it for as long as possible, possibly till the end of the match, maybe to get as many points as possible (kills with the weapon would obviously be limited due to how much power they have over others) whilst the other players must scrabble to obtain the gun (this is where the strategy/strategical weapons come in, as if you rush in with only the wrench you will surely die unless you're a stealthy motherfucker). Kills without the gun are obviously worth more, however are less frequent.

    Just a thought

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just to clarify i think the wrenches vs gun idea was that all the wrenches go for the gun guy, not kill each other.

  4. My bad D: But most of the other stuff remains the same

  5. @ Belinda

    I like! :) Game balance would be a breeze from then on.

  6. If we decide to go with this idea (Gunman vs Wrench guys) would we still use the door concept, would it over complicate things? And would we still have the maintenance theme?

    Personally I like the ideas for weapons we had (blinding, slowing, fucking with people's traction, etc.) and having the theme makes it unique and makes more sense in context.

  7. By the way we're having a little meeting to get things in order @ the Sushi Sushi near the entrance to Melbourne Central at about 12ish

  8. Yeah, Wednesdays are my day off.
    I still think we should stick to the janitor theme, as for the rench & gun idea I don't understand it fully, i'll talk to you guys about it on thursday.

  9. An just a quick comment, the textures done above were very VERY easy to do, and we don't need to do that much detail, this was only to clarify the sort of idea I had.

  10. Nick, Amy and I tried to contact you for a meeting today (we're all currently sitting at puter :D ).. We decided to go in another direction towards something more realistic in style where we can utilize unreal textures more, as we thought the shading would be all fucked up.
    Instead of janitors we decided to use builders and have three different levels centered around different stages of the life of the building. First in construction (moving platforms, open AND closed areas, etc. Second in it's prime as a cutting edge fashion building for office space, and thirdly as a dilapidated post apocalyptic setting with slightly different characters.

    We've decided to stick to the 'not it' melee vs gun gameplay, if we have time we will create a different game type per level, but this will do for now. I will post a full outline in a moment.
