Saturday, August 7, 2010

Powerpoint Presentation

Alrighty, so who is doing the powerpoint presentation? I could probably type it all up into the main aspects, but I'm not so much with the pretty stuffs.


  1. If you're happy to summarize the design doc into the Powerpoint slides (max. 8-10), I can make it look pretty :D I'm also happy to help out with the summarizing as well, if you need it.

    As a basis, these are probably the vital slides we should have in the presentation and I think we should probably stick to something similar to this to keep it succinct:

    (in no particular order)

    - Overview
    - Setting
    - Style
    - Mechanics/Gameplay
    - Intended Weapons/Power-ups
    - Characters
    - Inspirations/references

    with Concept art scattered throughout

  2. We have 10 minutes for presenting so I'll try to keep it cut down. Do I sense a Skype Session coming on..? :P

  3. I'm good a beautifying power points, sorry I didn't say this sooner but I've been busy with family stuff....
