Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What we need for the Design Doc submission

Okay people! I'm going to attempt to tackle the Design Document tonight, so that we have a fighting chance come submission (5pm Friday, August 6th) and will be able to work on the presentation for Monday (and no, we can't use the same thing if you where wondering people!).
Here's what we need (Most of this is on the "Guidelines.pdf" under "Lecture 1" on the Blackboard)


Design Document
  • Table of Contents - Self-explanatory
  • Introduction/Overview - The overview describes the purpose of the document at hand
    and tries to depict the game design in a concise fashion. No more than a single page should convey the feeling of the game (and of the document)
  • Game Mechanics - We describe the gameplay style, the type (1st/3rd person? Deathmatch? etc.), the interaction between players/the world/NPCs, the controls
  • Artificial Intelligence - [Joe I was hoping you could cover this if you don't mind! Not sure if we really have any though] What kind of AIs we need in our game? Are there different AIs (NPCs)? What actions are allowed for every AI? Are there special features in some specific AIs?
  • Game Elements - Where we describe all elements relevant to our game. Weapons/power ups, Objects/doors/switches/jumps as well as any NPC actions or skills
  • Game Progression - Describes what happens to the player in our
    game. Better explained on a per-level basis. What are the challenges offered to players? What are the main events?
  • References - Any relevant materiel/resources
Art Guide
  • Table of Contents - Again...self-explanatory
  • Introduction/Overview - Introduce document as well as art style, etc.
  • Art Style - What kind of art style are you going to use? (Cartoon, Photo realistic, Based on some specific movie/comic/fiction) What are your artistic references? Sketches, renderings and/or storyboards should be included.
  • Storyboards - Mock-up sketches to show the intended style/gameplay of the game
  • Technical Guidelines - Technical limitations (time, polygon budget, tools, etc.)
  • References - Again any relevant materials
Technical Design Document (apparently only appears in the second and third assignment submissions)

We need to know also that everyone agrees on the idea and it would be awesome if anyone wants to help me out (possibly writing up some of the sections in an articulate way, or finding references, whatever!).

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