Friday, August 13, 2010

Modeling Practice!

In addition to roughing out concept floorplans and other things, I thought I may as well get some basic practice with the Unreal Editor at the same time, by making little play areas. Obviously these aren't going to be full "floors" and by no means are refined (dead ends, no textures, screwed up lighting, overlapping corners, etc.) but they are a quick and effective way of familiarizing yourself with the Editor, and attuning yourself to the settings/windows, etc.

Here's the link to the first one, the "cubical" concept I was drawing in the last GS Lecture:

I'll make a few more of these and post the links in the Comment Section at a later date, try them out.


  1. Screen shot is just out of the question huh? :P

  2. Okay looked at it, I personally think it's too much like a maze.. I don't think a mini-maze would really do anything but annoy people.. But I may be interpreting the layout wrong...?

  3. Screen shots would be annoying because you have to take them from heaps of angles to fully understand the layout, and it's so much better than a bird's-eye image :P.

    What you also have to understand is that most likely the fringes of the map - the outer box - won't be there, they'll continue on to other places/areas. I know what you mean about the cubicles being seen as annoying, but you could easily change it to have one/two that go right through, or are lowered to see through it easier. Also we could put in that idea that we discussed, about having a place you could jump up on and see *almost* all of it to prevent camping and other related nonsense.

    However, I thought of this place with ambushing in mind, so that the melee could use the map to help them score a kill on the Gunner, so just keep that in mind.

  4. I've made another quick area, that's rougher and less finished than the first if that were possible. Obviously there's a lot to go into it so that it isn't just a huge flat space, but when thought "lobby" area, I thought about something similar to this:

    ..with a power-up in the middle, I'll sketch it up for tomorrow so it's not direly important.

    Link is here:

    ...if you wanted to, but the image above is probably a better way to understand the

  5. I was thinking if we had a cubicle area, we could have seperate cubicles but have a 'main vein' horizontal and vertical, if that's not what you've already done. Sketches would probably be easier ^^; but we could also place a powerup in the intersection of the two veins..? Idk I think I'll have to sketch that up as well :P

    The picture I like, i think if we expand the lobby to a two story high area and have the crossway above it could add another place where they could attack as you go for the powerup.
